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Стати автором

Джордж Мальоней

Autonomy for the Ukrainians (condensed from «Diakonia», June 1972)

The Pope has refused to establish a Ukrainian patriarchate. But what is at stake is a totally different question — one which he himself and the Eastern Churches’ canon law have already answered. The Ukrainian Catholic Church, being under a major-archbishop, now possesses all the powers to rule itself as a particular Church through a type of synodal administration according to its ancient rights and privileges.

The further question and the really crucial one here is: Does an Eastern Patriarch or Major-Archbishop have jurisdiction only within his own, territory?

The fact is that both the Eastern patriarchs and the Western patriarch, the bishop of Rome, have constantly violated this principle of territory. The reason is found in the Eastern Churches’ Canon Law itself which explicitly states that the principle of territory holds «unless some other reason demands otherwise from the very nature of the case or constituted by some right.

A very concrete case, an exact parallel to that of the Ukrainian Major-archiepiscopate, is found in the seventh century when in the Synod of Trullo (692) it was decreed that the Cypriotes who fled from Arab persecution in Cyprus to take up residence near Constantinople were to be under the jurisdiction of their own Major-Archbishop and not under that of the Patriarch of Constantinople in whose territory they now lived. This may well be the first case of double jurisdiction in the same territory. But it can be multiplied by innumerable examples. How many times has the Latin Church set up its own jurisdiction in Eastern lands because their faithful had either migrated there or because Latin missionaries had made converts to the Latin rite of the native Eastern rite Christians or non-Christians. The examples are clear and numerous.

In Lviv itself there had existed for centuries three jurisdictions within the very same territory: a Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop, an Armenian Archbishop, and a Latin rite Archbishop. The question which should be asked is why does the Pope of Rome suddenly call upon the principle of territory to restrict the Ukrainian Church in its demands for autonomy to exercise jurisdiction wherever Ukrainian Catholics reside when for centuries the good of souls has dictated that this outdated principle of territory be ignored?

To appeal solely to this principle and to forget the good of the faithful is to play legal games and to forget that the Church is the Body of Christ. Jurisdiction is given to help the faithful grow in Christ. When modern circumstances of life under Communism have created situations in which a Church of six million cannot function according to ancient rules, then the good of the faithful clearly demands that rules be changed — in fact, that they be automatically ignored because a greater principle is at stake — the good of the faithful demands another principle.

A noted Eastern canonist teaching at the Pontifical Oriental Institute, J. Rezac, S.J., argues in a recent article that the jurisdiction of Patriarchs and Major-Archbishops must be extended outside of their own territories. His basic reason is that the Mother Churches are obviously more capable of taking care of their own faithful. Such church leaders are able not only to obtain capable priests and bishops who know the traditions of their Church, but they will zealously maintain and foster their ancient rights and customs. The church is not a legal entity but a living organism whose health must be determined by the spiritual assistance given to the individual members. Patriarchs have a moral duty to their faithful to take care of them; but this means they must enjoy jurisdiction over those faithful wherever they live. The Church has changed much and with so much intermingling of nationalities in today’s world, the personal aspect is more important in questions of jurisdiction than the principle of territory. Another reason J. Rezac gives flows from the principle propounded by Vatican II that insists so strongly on the observance of subsidiarity. If a lower unit, a person, or a community, can effect something with efficiency, there is no need to appeal to a higher authority. Surely a Synod of Ukrainian bishops under the Major-Archbishop is more capable of knowing and meeting the needs of their own people than the Eastern Congregation headed by a Belgian Latin rite Cardinal, whose secretary is an Italian Latin rite Archbishop. Another reason is the ecumenical dimension. If the Catholic Church is sincere about showing Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant Christians that she respects their true ecclesial elements — and for the Orthodox the basic form of Church administration is the patriarchal system—Rome will have to back up its high-sounding rhetoric about the respect it professes for the patriarchal form of administration by recognizing that form as viable and allowable for the Eastern Catholic Churches.

The Orthodox have found from experience that such a patriarchal system is more effectively pastoral and produces greater good when each Orthodox Patriarchal Church is allowed to extend its jurisdiction outside of its territory to wherever the faithful of their respective Churches live. If the Orthodox were to unite with Rome, would the Pope of Rome refuse the Patriarchal Orthodox Churches jurisdiction over their faithful in America because this was outside of their patriarchal limits?

The ultimate reason that summarizes all of the foregoing is that the good of the Ukrainian faithful demands that the Ukrainian Catholic Church not be given something new to better assist its people, but that the good of the faithful demands the full recognition of what has been an integral part of the rights of the Ukrainian Church since the Union of Brest in 1596. The Roman Catholic Church has stated for decades and reaffirmed with special vigor at Vatican II that the Eastern Catholic faithful be ruled by the leaders of their respective Churches according to their ancient rights and privileges.

This is to make the Church truly Catholica, allowing a richness of diverse forms of liturgical, canonical, theological, and spiritual expression flowing from the particular Churches that develop in Christlike charity and harmony with their sister-churches, all under the loving service of the head of the Church of Rome. Then jurisdiction will be seen not as power to be jealously held on to and fought for, but an opportunity to give greater service to Christ’s flock. Only by recognizing the autonomy that the Ukrainian Catholic Church always had the right to exercise will the Ukrainian Church grow dynamically as a part of those Eastern Churches that the Catholic bishops at the Second Vatican Council «solemnly declared … fully enjoy the right and are in duty bound to rule themselves». If the Ukrainian Catholic Church cannot rule itself under its Major-Archbishop and his synod of bishops but must continue to be legislated by the Eastern Congregation, the Ukrainian Church will be extinct in a few years together with the other Eastern Catholic Churches. The Roman Church will ceased to be Catholic and a particular Church will wrongly claim to be the universal Church founded by Christ. But history will rise up to haunt that claim.

On February 17. 1972 Josyf Cardinal Slipyi, celebrated in Rome his 80th birthday. Still amazingly strong and agile in body and mind in spite of 18 long, torturous years in Siberian labor camps, he stated during a Liturgy concelebrated with other Ukrainian bishops that the Vatican was making him4suffer more that he did under the Soviets. «Some of the sufferings that I have had to undergo since ray liberation and during the period of my so-called liberty, have been harder to take than those of my imprisonment or even at the time when I was condemned to death».

Cardinal Slipyi suffers to see himself, the Major-Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, head of his Church with his see of residence in Lviv, with the ancient title of Metropolitan of Kiev and Halych and yet unable to administer to his Church in the Ukraine. In 1946 the Soviets liquidated his Church and 4 million faithful with their 3.000 parishes.

He suffers to see the remnant of hope – the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the diaspora numbering about a million and a half faithful with 24 bishops – scattered about in 16 different countries and floundering for lack of leadership in its search for identity in strange lands.

He suffers to see his beloved Church made a pawn as Vatican plays political chess with the Kremlin leaders. The Pope’s emissary behind the Iron Curtain, Archbishop Agostino Casaroli, has been pursuing a rapprochement with the Soviet bloc Communists over the past few years to gain some concessions, especially for the Latin Catholics in Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Poland and the U.S.S.R. The implicit condition for continued dialogue is that the Ukrainian Catholic Church must not be allowed to take on new life.

Cardinal Slipyi knows from vivid, personal experience how the Soviet authorities fear any native, popular movement, especially when it is deeply religious and bound in its allegiance to a center outside the U.S.S.R. like the Vatican. It grieves the venerable prelate to see John Cardinal Willebrands, head of the Secretariat for promoting Christian Unity, representing the Pope at the enthronization of Patriarch Pimen of the Russian Orthodox Church in June, 1971. without registering a protest when Patriarch Pimen called upon all present to rejoice at the triumphal return into the Orthodox Church in 1946 of the Uniates who had been forced into union with Rome at the Union of Brest, 1596».

He suffers to see that in official Vatican circles such as the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity and the Congregation for Eastern Churches the Eastern Catholic Churches especially his Ukrainian Church, are conceived of as the greatest obstacle for reunion with the Orthodox. He sees definite signs of a movement being fostered to remove the so-called Uniates from the ecumenical scene either by liquidation or by heavy Roman control so that the Eastern Catholics do not develop and eventually they will disappear by assimilation.

Part of his suffering has come from the Congregation for Eastern Churches and its direct interference in allowing his Church to exercise the autonomy already granted it by the existing Church legislation, especially the Eastern Code of Cannon Law, as expressed in «Cleri Sanctitati» (1957). In the latter legislation a major-archbishop is equivalent to a patriarch. On December 23. 1963. the Congregation for Eastern Churches clarified the question by affirming that Metropolitan Slipyi was a major-archbishop in the sense defined by Cannon law and hence equivalently a patriarch.

But even though the declaration «Apostolica Sedes» of March 25. 1970. clearly allowed all bishops outside of the ancient territories of a patriarchate ( or major-episcopate, an equivalent) to have full participation in patriarchal synods, Maximilian Cardinal de Furstenberg insisted that the Ukrainian bishops, meeting in Rome in the 4th Synod in October, 1969 and again in November, 1971. were participating not in a synod but a conference.

Another high-handed way of proceeding was the same declaration issued by the Congregation for Eastern Churches that set the norms for the appointment of new Eastern bishops. Three candidates were to be chosen in synod by the patriarch and his bishops, including the «aggregati» or bishops from outside the patriarchal territories. The Pope would then choose the candidate from these names. But clearly the Congregation ignored its own norms when the Pope appointed Bishop John Stock and Basil Losten as auxiliaries to Archbishop Senyshyn in February and May respectively of 1971. A similar sadness was inflicted upon Cardinal Slipyi, when, without consulting him or following the procedure outlined by the Congregation («Apostolica Seded»), the Pope raised the Ukrainian Apostolic Exarchate in Brazil to an eparchy of Curitiba but also explicitly placed its Ukrainian Bishop gravity directly under the Latin Archbishop of Sao Paolo.

Cardinal Slipyi`s greatest sorrow came when Pope on July 7, 1971, communicated to him his rejection of the Ukrainian Bishops’ proposal as articulated in the proceedings of the 4-th Synod of 1969 that the Holy Father establish a Ukrainian Patriarchate.

Such disappointments would have stopped men of lesser moral fiber than Metropolitan Slipyi. Undaunted, the aged prelate rose before the gathered hierarchs at the Rome Synod in October, 1971 to plead for his suffering underground Church in the Ukraine. He went further even defying the expressed wished of John Cardinal Villot, Secretary of State and Prefect of the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church not to hold a synod. Cardinal Villot sent a copy of a memorandum to each Ukrainian Bishop, gathered in Rome for the rededication of Ss. Sergius and Bacchus and the commemoration of the 375th Anniversary of the Union of Brest. recalling to mind that there was to be no patriarchate as well as no canonical synod. The sessions were held from October 31 to November 5, 1971.

Under the dynamic determination of Cardinal Slipyi the Ukrainian Bishops were very much aware of their rights sanctioned in the present-day legislation for Eastern Catholic Churches to hold a canonical synod. They elected to establish a permanent synod made up of Cardinal Slipyi and four other hierarchsj Metropolitan Ambrose Senyshyn of Philadelphia and Archbishop Ivan Buchko as the senior members, Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk of Winnipeg as the choice of the Major-Archbishop and Bishop Andrew Sapelak of Argentina as the choice of the bishops. Other topics were discussed, including the problem of a married clergy. It is to be noted that for this synod, unlike the 4th Synod, Major-Archbishop Slipyi and the other Bishops in Synod did not ask for the Pope’s recognition of the validity of this synod, but merely out of courtesy asked his benediction. To date there has been no official reaction on the part of Vatican officials. Their policy seems to be to ignore this synod as a bad dream and to act as before, especially in the appointment of new Ukrainian bishops without consulting Cardinal Slipyi and his synod.

«Divide and rule…»

«It is clear that the Vatican policy toward the Ukrainian Catholic Church is to divide whatever unanimity exists among the Ukrainian bishops scattered throughout the world and place them directly under the jurisdiction of the Apostolic Delegate of the country in which the individual bishops reside. In this way the Ukrainian Catholic Church would, in effect, be destroyed as an entity.

This is Father George A. Maloney’s reaction to the letter that each Ukrainian bishop received from the Apostolic Delegate in the country in which he resides and to bulletin number 281 relative to this matter issued on November 4, 1972 by the Vatican press bureau. Fr. Maloney expressed his views to a representative of the Society for a Patriarchal System in the Ukrainian Catholic Church on Thursday evening, November 9, 1972. Developing his statement this Jesuit priest, a member of the Pope John XXIII Center at Fordham University, explained that the result of the present Vatican policy toward the Ukrainian Catholic Church would be a series of parishes celebrating their ancient Liturgies but answerable directly to the Roman Curia through their respective bishops and dependent upon the Curia for all legislative and administrative directives.

Fr. Maloney asserted that despite the fact that the Holy See has refused to recognize the status of a patriarchate for the Ukrainian Catholic Church, despite the fact that the Pope, himself, on July 7, 1971, took a negative stand on this issue, canonically this Church under the leadership of His Beatitude Major-Archbishop Joseph Cardinal Slipyj is constituted as a patriarchate because: (1) On December 23, the Sacred Congregation for Eastern Churches reaffirmed that Metropolitan Joseph Slipyj is a Major-Archbishop; (2) On November 21, the rights of the Major-Archbishop as set forth in Cleri Sanctitati (1957) were reaffirmed in article 10 of the Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches. In the light of this Fr. Maloney stated: «Cardinal Villot’s statement that the Ukrainian Church is not constituted as a patriarchate is canonically incorrect.» He pointed out that one of the rights of a Patriarchal Church or a Major-Archiepiscopate is precisely to call a synod of its Church. It is clearly stated in Cleri Sanctitatl that all bishops living outside the territory of the patriarchate of major-archiepiscopate have the right to attend such synods. «Thus», said the Jesuit, «according to the best of the existing Eastern canon law as promulgated by Pope Pius XII in Cleri Sanctitatl and solemnly confirmed by Pope Paul VI and over 2000 bishops at Vatican Council II, Ukrainian Major-Аrchbishop Joseph Cardinal Slipyj has every right to call the 1st through the 5th Synod and all Ukrainian Catholic bishops scattered throughout the world had the right to attend these Synods.»

To the question as to whether such a legitimate synod has the right to draw up a constitution for its Particular Church, Fr. Maloney gave an affirmative answer. He explained that the reason for this right in two fold:

  1. If the major-archiepiscopate has the same rights as a patriarchate and every patriarch rules his Church together with his synod according to a constitution earlier drawn up, therefore, a major-archiepiscopate has the right to declare a constitution which was in force at the time of the union of the Particular Church with Rome – in this case the Union of Brest. It naturally follows that the major-archbishop and his bishops have the right to change and amend this constitution to conform to the modern circumstances in which this Church finds itself. Therefore, Major-Archbishop Joseph Slipyj and his bishops certainly have a right to meet in synod and adopt a constitution.
  2. Besides the above mentioned impelling reason, Vatican Council II in the Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches solemnly enjoins both Eastern Catholic patriarchs and major-archbishops to rule their Churches according to their ancient traditions. The attempt on the part of Major-Archbishop Joseph Slipyj and his bishops to draw up a constitution is merely carrying out this directive of Pope Paul VI and more than 2,000 bishops.

The last question put to Fr. Maloney was: «What is your reaction to Cardinal Villot’s repeated suggestion to the Ukrainian bishops to hold a conference of bishops rather than a synod? He answered:

«There is no place in the Ukrainian Church for a conference in stead of a synod. National conferences of bishops have been designed as a part of the Western Patriarchate as a quasi-local consultation to feed the necessary information into this patriarchate headed by the Pope of Rome to enable more efficient government of the Western subjects of this Church. These conferences totally lack any legislative force. According to all the early ancient traditions of ecclesiastical administration, patriarchates and major-archiepiscopates have never known such a thing as a national conference. The Synod has always been the legitimate form of ecclesiastical administration in Eastern Churches. For Cardinal Villot to propose a conference over the traditional synodal form of administration for these Churches is to introduce once again a Latinism. This is one sad example which has been repeated over and over again among all Eastern Churches that have come from».

Orthodoxy into union with Rome. Little by little the Roman Curia has forced Latin forms of Church administration upon the Eastern Catholic Churches with the alarming result that the Roman Latin Church became the model and the supreme authority for the Eastern Churches. It is exactly this process Vatican Council II decried when in article б of the Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches Mon account of contingencies of times or persons unbecomingly have abandoned them (their legitimate liturgical rites and their discipline) they shall endeavor to return to the ancestral traditions. Fr. Maloney concluded:

If the Holy Spirit follows Cardinal Villous thinking, not only the Ukrainian Church but all the other Eastern Catholic Churches will soon be reduced to dusty museum pieces to the lasting scandal of our Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant brethren.»

Father Maloney`s critique

Father G. Maloney presents three basic problems concerning the establishment of the Ukr. Cath. Patriarchate. The answers to these three problems form an indirect critique of Msgr. Pospishil`s theses. The three problems are: 1) Did the Vatican Council Decree on the Eastern Catholic Churches really restore to the Eastern Catholic Churches and, specifically, to the Ukr. Catholics “their rights and privileges (that) should be reestablished in accordance with the ancient traditions of each Church and the decrees of the ecumenical synod”? 2) Does the Major Archbishop have jurisdiction within his territory (the Metropolia of Kiev-Halych) even if he lives outside of it? 3) Do he and his synod have jurisdiction outside of their historical territory, i.e. over all Ukr. Catholics throughout the whole world?

In his articles, Msgr. Pospishil`s fundamental frame of reference reveals evasions and obstacles to the movement for the establishment of a Ukr. Cath. Patriarchate. Msgr. Pospishil, a canonist in the Roman Ecclesiastical system, argues that regardless of what rights should be recognized by the Vatican, the only actual rights the Ukr. Cath. Church possesses is what the pope and his curial staff deem appropriate for the Ukrainians to have. The Ukr. Cath. Church has received promulgated norms from the Vatican Council which ought to lead to the recognition of its seIf governanee, but “this is not so, if for no other reason than the fact that the pope who possesses supreme legislative and administrative authority in the Cath. Church, has said so through his official spokesman in matters of Eastern Churches, the Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Eastern Churches.” (p. 8) Such an understanding ignores the unanimous acceptance on the part of the pope himself and the College of Bishops that Church order is one of collegiality.

Did the Vatican Council II truly promulgate not only a new spirit, but laws that are in effect from the moment that a given decree was promulgated by the Roman Pontiff? The Decree on the Eastern Churches is to a large degree a legislative document in which there are certain laws established. There are also norms and exhortative statements about the Eastern Rites. The pope in signing the text of promulgation on November 21, 1964, stated clearly і “…All these directives of law are enacted for the present circumstances till such time as the Church and the separated Eastern Churches come together into complete unity.” Msgr. Pospishil argues that Vatican II’s Decree on Eastern Catholic Churches did not really restore the ancient rights to the Ukr. Church. He alleges that these were norms that now must await further legislation from the Sacred Congregation for Eastern Churches or from a top revision of Eastern Canon Law that might take decades to accomplish. In criticizing the work of the legislators of the Decree, students of canon law should not forget that they are only interpreters of the law. By examining the Decree, there can be no doubt that the Council Fathers were recognizing as restored to the Eastern Churches their ancient rights and that there was no need to wait for a new code.

The following quotes are essential points of the Decree in the Eastern Churches :

“For this reason, it solemnly declares that the Churches of the

East… «fully enjoy the right and are in duty “bound to rule themselves. Each should do so according to its proper and individual procedures»” (#5)

“If they have improperly fallen away from them (their ancient practices) because of circumstances of time or personage, let them (the Eastern Churches) take pains to return to their ancestral ways”(#6)

“This sacred Synod, therefore, decrees that their rights should “be re-established in accord with, the ancient traditions of each Church. The rights and privileges in question are those which flourished when East and West were in union, though they should be somewhat adapted to modern conditions-Patriarchs with their synods constitute the superior authority for all affairs of the patriarchate including the right to establish new eparchies and to nominate bishops of their right within the territorial bounds of the patriarchate…” (#9)

This also applies to major-archbishops as the decree merely repeats what the Motu Propio of Eastern Canon Law, Cleri Sanctitati of June 2, 1957. had already stated, namely, that a major-arch­bishop such as Metropolitan Joseph Slipyj is the equivalent of a patriarch»

The second important question that Pospishil avoids answering is «Does Major-Archbishop Slipyj have jurisdiction within his territàry of the Metropolia of Kiev-Halych, even if he lives out­side? Surely leaving one’s territory for a visit to another country does not take away both the right and duty of a Major-Archbishop to rule his territory according to all the rights granted him (rights which make him equal to a patriarch) by Eastern Canon Law and the traditions of the ancient Ukrainian Church Established by Rome at the Brest Union and reaffirmed by Vatican II. If such a visit is extended to a continued sojourn in the Vatican, Metropolitan Slipyj administers his territory by delegating authority to others. It seems very clear that even though the Vatican deems it unwise to comment on this situation, the answer to the question, for the good of souls, is a definite affirmation.

The third and perhaps most important question and one that Pospishil answers negatively is* Does Metropolitan Slipyj and his newly-formed synod of four permanent members actually enjoy jurisdiction with him outside of the historical ecclesiastical territory of Kiev-Halych, over all Ukrainian Catholics throughout the whole world? Pospishil argues on a strictly legalistic basis. Pope Paul VI does so also in his letter rejecting to the Ukrainian Patriarchate. In the Eastern Churches Canon Law, the Cleri Sanctitati explicitly states that the principle of territory holds “unless some other reason demands otherwise from the very nature of the case or constituted by some right.” (Can. 326,#2.)

History shows a constant practice, even among the Western patriarchs, of extending their jurisdiction to new lands even where there already existed an established hierarchy of another part of the Catholic Church. There are innumerable examples of double jurisdiction in the same territory. How many times has the Latin Church set up its own jurisdiction in Eastern lands because their faithful had either migrated there or because Latin missionaries had made convert S to the Latin rite. Such examples are the extension of the Latin rite jurisdiction to such Eastern lands as Palestine and the Near East during and after the Crusades, in India, side by side with the more ancient Eastern Malabar Christians, in Egypt, and in Ethiopia. In Lviv itself there existed for centuries three jurisdictions within the very same territory: a Ukrainian rite archbishop, an Armenian rite archbishop, and a Latin rite archbishop. The question which should be asked is: Why does the Pope of Rome suddenly call upon the principle of territory to restrict the Ukr. Church in its demands for autonomy (to exercise jurisdiction wherever Ukr. Catholics reside) when for centuries the good of souls dictated that this out-dated principle of territory be ignored?

The jurisdiction of patriarchs and major-archbishops must be extended outside of the limits of their own territories. The basic reason for this is that the good of the faithful requires it. The Decree on the Eastern Churches clearly insists that the ancient traditions are to be maintained; that these Churches are to rule themselves. Such Eastern pastors know best the traditions of their Church; they will zealously maintain their ancient rights and customs. Today the personal aspect is more important in questions of jurisdiction than the principle of territory. Another reason why it is important that the Ukrainians have the right to rule themselves wherever they may be organized in the framework of their own Ukrainian Cath. Church is one touching upon principles of ecumenism. In the Brest Union of 1596, the Vatican promised that the Ukr. Church would be guaranteed their own ancient traditions, especially the ability to choose their own bishops to rule themselves in their ancient synodal administration, and to retain married clergy. One by one among the Ukr. Catholics scattered abroad in the West these rights have been taken away over the 375 years of union with Rome.

In a fundamental understanding of Church law, law is only a means not an end to aid the faithful to come into the divinization process for which Jesus Christ established His Church. Charity of the good of the faithful must take precedence over an outmoded law of limited jurisdiction to a historical territory. If we idolize law and forget the end of the Church, we have created a monster, a man-made idol, caricature in Dostoevsky’s Legend of the Grand Inquisitor, as a Church power, authority, and magic that has destroyed the freedom that Jesus Christ came to give us. Only by recognizing that the Ukr. Cath. Church has always Mad the right to exercise her autonomy will the Ukr. Church grow dynamically as a part of those Eastern Churches which the Catholic bishops at the Second Vatican Council “solemnly declared-fully enjoy the right and are in duty bound to rule themselves” ($5) If the Ukr. Catholic Church cannot rule itself wherever its faithful is, it will cease to exist in a few short decades.

The Ukr. Catholic faithful in America, Canada, Europe, South America, and Australia, wherever are Ukr. Cath. faithful, must see that autonomy is not something to be granted to their Church by the pope. They must begin to think as a Church; they already possess “pomisnist” an autonomy that dates back to centuries before they united with Rome. They must never cease their efforts until the whole universal Church in fraternal charity and universal harmony accepts them as Catholics with some of many diverse modes of experiencing and living the unique Christ event.

The quest for an Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchate

/by Victor J. Pospishil and Hryhor M. Luznycky Philadelphia 1971/

The author, V. J. Pospishil, in four articles of this brochure discusses the canonic aspects of the Major Archiepiscopate and the Patriarchate, and prof. H. M. Luznycky the historical aspects of the same subjects. The introduction to this brochure is written by Bishop Basil Losten, but the brochure is sponsored by an unfamiliar “Ukrainian Publications” of 820 N. Franklin St., and not the Metropolitan’s Office. Because of the absence of complete identification of the publisher, it is not clear whether the authors express only their own views or to what extent they reflect the position of the Metropolia. The brochure is significant in that it provides a direct answer to many unclairified aspects of the contemporary movement for the Patriarchate by placing these aspects in the light of Church canons and historical perspectives. The value of this brochure should be established with respect to internal matters and external relationship of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

Concerning internal Ukrainian affairs, the movement for the Patriarchate clearly is given the platform of an ecclesiastical law. From Father Pospishil’s interpretation of these laws, there is obtained certain degree of assurance for independence of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The attempt of the author to remain loyal to the ruling body in the Vatican and at the same time, to attain a maximum of rights for the Ukrainian Catholic Church, places the author in a self-initiated irreconcilability. However, the work of the author seems to present the Philadelphia Metropolia in a more favorable relationship to the movement of the Patriarchate i-n comparison to its undefined position concerning the Patriarchate two years ago.

Father Pospishil first criticizes the so-called territorial principle concerning the Patriarchate, exposes the expansion of latinism in the territories of the Eastern Churches, affirms that the decrees of the Second Vatican Council are ignored, and acknowledges the legality of the Ukrainian Catholic Church Synods. Advocating maximum extension of rights of the Major Archiepiscopate for the whole of the Ukrainian Rite regardless of territorial boundaries, the author intends to be content, because it appears that the right to give us a Patriarchate is held only by the Pope. Following this, the author presents some positive resolutions for the Ukrainian Catholic Church. He truthfully explains the national and political motivation of the movement for the Patriarchate, criticizes the lack of. recognition of the Synods by Cardinal Fuerstenberg, and negatively evaluates the representation of the Ukrainian Catholic Church by three metropolitans at the Papal Synod of Bishops, where there should have been only one representative – the head of our Ukrainian Catholic Church. It is evident that even these modest terms presented in the brochure will never have consent from the Vatican Curia.

Concerning the external political aspects of the Ukrainian Catholic Church Father Pospishil’s presentation and conclusions are unconvincing, minimal and weak in comparison to what has been published on this subject by prof. M. Chubatyj, prof. B. Markus, and Father G. Maloney. Self-contradictions decrease the value of this work in the eyes of critical non-Ukrainian readers (and this brochure is designed primarily for them) and because of this, the Patriarchal movement, which the author tries to defend, is harmed. When the author at one point establishes the legality of the Synod, later criticizes Cardinal Fuerstenberg for not recognizing the Synod and then asserts that the Synod has no right to nominate its own bishops, then the credibility of such a work is in doubt. An obvious loyalty to the sway of the Eastern Congragation, to the two challenged nominations of bishops, and personal criticism of, the Archbishop Major (this criticism has reached epidemic proportions now), all this constitutes a category highly debatable, arbitrary, and non-canonical in nature.

The following is a critique of Monsgr. Pospishil’s position written by Father G. Maloney with marginal notes by Eva Piddubcheshen.

Non-Ukrainian scholars uphold right of Ukrainian Catholic Church to autonomous administration

At a seminar held on Saturday, July 15, 1972, at the Pope Auditorium of the Lincoln Center Campus of Fordham University, a national representation of the Ukrainian laity heard non-Ukrainian scholars uphold the right of their Particular Church to autonomous administration.

The central theme of the seminar was “Patriarchal and Major-Archiepiscopal Autonomy in the Catholic Church: Case Study the Ukrainian Church.”

This theme was developed by the following speakers:

1.         Rev. Wilhelm de Vries, S.J., presented a paper on “The Origin of the Eastern Patriarchs and the Power of the Roman Pontiffs.”

Father de Vries is Professor of Theology and History and Dean of Faculty at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome. During Vatican Council II he served as adviser to German Bishops on Eastern Questions. He is the author of many works.

2.         Prof. John Madey’s paper dealt with the topic “The Rights Guarantee< to the Ukrainian Catholic Church at the Union at Brest.”

Professor Madey is author of numerous works on question relative to the Eastern Churches among them the book Le Patriarcat Ukrainien (Rome 1971). He is Consultant to the German Bishops’ Committee for Ecumenical Affairs. He is the President, Working Group “Meeting with the Eastern Churches.”

3.         Rev. George A. Maloney, S.J., spoke on “The Present Canonical Status of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and Its Future.”

Father Maloney of Fordham University is affiliated with the Pope John XXIII Center and editor of Diakonia, author of Cosmic Christ; member, U.S. Bishop`s Commission for Roman Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue.

4.         Rev. Ulysses Alexis Floridi, S.J., traced “The Role of Ukraine in Recent Soviet-Vatican Diplomacy.”

Rev. Floridi has given courses on “Soviet Regime and Russian Populism” at Fordham University (New York)j and on “Soviet Ethics” at Faculdale de Filosofia N.S. Medianeira in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He had a fellowship from the Research Intitute on Communist Affairs at Columbia University and there under the chairmanship of Professor Z. Brzezinski wrote a work on “Communism and Radicalism in Brazil.” He is a former staff member of the Italian Jesuit magazine La Civiltà Cattolica and he is a member of the Italian Association of Journalists. He is author of five books and great number of articles.

5. The Moderator was Professor Thomas E. Bird.

Professor Bird is Director of the Scholars Program at the City University of New York and member of the Roman Catholic Bishop`s Theological Commission for Orthodox Affairs. He is co-author of Aspects of Religion in the Soviet Union 1917-1967.

The audience heard Father de Vries say:

“It is important to insist on the fact that the patriarchates grew from below and were not founded by any decree from above, as for instance by a decree of an ecumenical council or of a pope. The origin of the partriarchates is to be sought in the prescriptive right or custom, which was simply ratified by the councils and recognized by the popes. The rights of the patriarchs were not given to them by the popes. Their position was not privileged with regard to Rome, but with regard to the bishops dependant on them. These bishops gave part of their rights to the patriarchs for the sake of better administration of the church. It would be false history to explain the patriarchs’ powers as privileges granted by Rome, to whom these powers per se belonged and who renounced them in favor of the patriarchs. We must avoid the anachronism of thinking that today’s centralized system existed when the patriarchates originated…

The popes were therefore of the view that the rights of the patriarchs had their foundation in prescriptive right and that this was canonized by the canons of the councils. They never claimed to have bestowed on the patriarchs of Alexandria or Antioch their position of preference as a privilege and as a share in the popes’ power. If this be so, the recognition of patriarchs by the pope, which occured in the first millenium, cannot be equivalent to an appointment to office. The election of the patriarch was communicated to Rome and likewise to the patriarchates of the East. Behind this custom was the idea of the necessity that the whole church and especially the highest bishop, that of Rome, accept the important measures of the individual churches…”

Of all the Eastern Churches in Union with Rome the Ukrainian Catholic Church is by far the largest. It constitutes 75% of all Eastern Catholics affiliated with the Holy See. Yet, despite its historical efforts to establish a patriarchal form of administration this has not been achieved. Political expediency on the part of the Vatican in relation to the temporal powers occupying Ukraine is an important factor in this situation. Professor Madey’s paper pointed out that a non-Ukrainian consulting the Annuario Pontificio would never get an accurate image of the Ukrainian Catholic Church because its various ecclesiastical units are listed in a manner conveying the impression that each is completely independent of each other. And, he askss “Is there one Ukrainian Catholic Church or are there several Ukrainian Churches or even ecclesiastical units of the Ukrainian Rite?”

Professor Madey then developed the legal basis on which Major-Archbishop Joseph and the entire Ukrainian hierarchy is acting — the rights of the Ukrainian Church at the time of the Union of Brest in 1596 and their reaffirmation by Vatican II.

He concluded: “The problem touching the Ukrainian Catholic Church is more or less also of other Catholic Eastern Churches. Her Faithful, clergy arid hierarchs should, therefore, continue their efforts towards a full restoration of her status.”

Discussing the present canonical status of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and looking towards its future, Father Maloney said:

“Far from being bridges to the Orthodox, the Uniates, due to the Vatican’s policy of depriving the Eastern Patriarchs and the Ukrainian Major-Archbishop of jurisdiction to rule their faithful wherever they may live, have become doormats to be stepped on and treated as very inferior Catholics. Even more, they have become truly a stumbling block and great obstacle to the Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestants within the circle of the Secretariat of State and the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity because of the Vatican’s attitude towards the Uniates. These all once were Orthodox to whom glowing promises of autonomy had once been preferred by the Vatican, but after re-union was effected, the ancient Oriental rights were suppressed.”

Speaking of tbe plans to re-codify Eastern Law by the new Commission appointed for this task (of which Major-Archbishop Joseph Slipyj is not a member), Father Maloney said:

“The very concept of imposing a uniform code of canon law upon all Eastern Churches is totally erroneous, goes directly against Vatican II’s Decree on the Eastern Churches and is the best way of trampling over the ancient rights enjoyed by these Churches before powerful popes began to usurp their Eastern heritage.”

He concluded:

“What does the future hold out for the Ukrainian Catholic Church? I can see three possibilities. It can continue to accept the role of being a doormat, to being stepped upon whenever a superior Roman Church wishes for ecclesiastical or political gains to itself. This requires no bravery; indeed, it is a cowardly type of Christianity that has failed utterly to see the Holy Spirit moving within the whole universal Church to insist that a plurality of liturgical, theological, and disciplinarian styles of the Catholic experience is not only a possibility but it is to be insisted upon by all members.

The other way open will be to hope breathlessly as a starving beggar stands outside of a wealthy man’s palace, hoping that he will drop into his outstretched had a coin to satisfy his hunger for today. We can forget about Ukrainian heritage, its degree of autonomy granted it by the Church in Brest and restored in Vatican II and hope that the new Commission for revising the Eastern Code of Canon Law will come up with something better than the last Eastern Code. If the prior Code failed so miserably because of latinizations, what hope should we entertain that this Commission will do its job better.

The last way open is one that continues the long road already well familiar to the majority of Ukrainians throughout the world, especially their heroic Major-Archbishop Slipyj. It is the way of standing up to fight for what the Holy Spirit inspires one to believe is right, cost what it may to one’s inconvenience or embarrassment. And it is so clear from the early history of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and now the Vatican Council II that a great share of that autonomy is willed by God in order not only that the Ukrainian Church continue to exist in the 21st century but that it continue to grow abundantly. Jesus Christ never wanted His Church merely to exist, to survice, but He demanded that it bring forth abundant fruit. I think He is clearly and loudly saying the same to Ukrainians everywhere today.”

Father Floridi made the point that more and more Catholics consider present Vatican diplomacy “useless and even harmful, or at least inconsistent…. The Vatican diplomats… a symbol of collusion with the powerful and a sign of insensibility toward the humble and oppres­sed.” He traced the evolution of the Soviet-Vatican dètente from the end of World War II to date stressing its deviation from the policies of Pope Pius XII with the sacrifice of the Ukrainian Catholic Church to achieve the “peaceful coexistence” promulgated by the Soviet Government and the Moscow patriarchate. He said:

“Unfortunately the “Russian experts” in Rome are helping the torturers and the assassins of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. On their recommendation and presentation Pope Paul praised publicly a controversial man like metropolitan Nikodim. They are giving credit to a Church that is “seriously ill” (Levitin-Krasnow), whole “entire administration, the appointment of priests and bishops (including even the sacreligious churchmen) is secretly managed by the Council for Religious Affairs. A church dictatorially ruled by atheists…” (Solzhenitsyn).

“An ecumenism built up through diplomatic channels, .outside of the people’s involvement, is proved to be doomed. The Council of Florence should not be forgotten. Not going too far in time, we should meditate what Levitin-Krasnow said: neither religion nor atheism can be imposed from above. That’s why we completely share the warning of those Catholic Ukrainians outside the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia: “VATICAN-MOSKOW DIALOGUE MAY LEAD TO DISASTER!”

The seminar was opened by Dr. M. Nawrockyj of Philadelphia, president of the Society for a Patriarchal System in the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Miss Eva Piddubcheshen, the chairman of the Public Relations Department of this society, had introductory remarks. Prof. M. Labunka presented his personal notes related to distinguished speakers.

Proceedings from the Seminar held at Fordham University in New York on July 15, 1972, are being edited and will appear soon in the form of a brochure. The brochures will be available to everyone through the branches of our organization.

Released by:
Eva Piddubcheshen,
Chairman of Public Relations Department

A commentary on the Pope`s letter to Major-Archbishop Joseph Slipyj

At the Fourth Archiepiscopal Synod of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops convened in Rome, September 29- October 1969», it was unanimously agreed by Major-Archbishop Joseph Slipyj and the other 20 bishop members that a petition be sent to Pope Paul VI to establish a patriarchate for the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Nearly two years later, on July 7, 1971 Metropolitan Slipyj received the Pope’s answer. It was No!

The contents of the letter can easily and briefly be summarized: the Pope tells of the verdict reached by the small commission of cardinals that he appointed to examine Metropolitan Slipyj’s reasons for establishing a patriarchate. The inopportuneness of erecting such a Ukrainian patriarchate at the present time stemmed from canonical, historical, spiritual, and pastoral considerations. Then the Pope proceeds to develop only one of these reasons: the canonical ruling that prevents patriarchs and major-archbishops from exercising rights outside of their own territory.

One cannot help but be moved by a certain sympathy and compassion towards the Pontiff in reading his letter. Like Hamlet, he appears torn dramatically in two directions. He tells us of his great love for the Ukrainian people; his admiration for their sufferings for the faith over centuries; and his personal esteem towards Metropolitan Slipyj. He goes so far as to assure the Metropolitan that his «own mind was most inclined to accept your petitions.» This would imply that the Pope personally wished to establish the Ukrainian Patriarchate. But stronger reasons than his own personal convictions changed his mind: «Having seriously weighed before the Lord the opinions of the Cardinal Fathers. We have come with difficulty once again to the conclusion that it is impossible, at least at this time, to establish a Ukrainian patriarchate.»

Though stated that important contemporary canonical, historical, spiritual, and pastoral reasons dictated this most recent refusal, yet the sole reason adduced in the letter touches on canonical discipline. The essence of his argument is that the canon law binding upon Eastern Catholic Churches today limits the jurisdiction of patriarchs to within the boundaries of their own territory.

If such a patriarchate were to be established by the Holy See, the Pope argues, the Major-Archbishop and his synod would have jurisdiction only within the historical boundaries of his metropolia of Lviv. But due to Soviet domination of that region, his presence there and any such exercise of ecclesiastical jurisdiction within this territory are at present out of the question.

The Pope points out that if the Ukrainian Patriarch could not exercise his jurisdiction within his own territory, but wished to exercise his patriarchal rights outside of his own territory, he would be asking for powers that no other Catholic patriarch now enjoys. The Pope poses the clinching argument in the form of a question: «Who could prevent other patriarchs from seeking to enjoy the same faculty of extending their own competency beyond the limits of the territory and the prescriptions of canonical laws by which their authority is at present defined?»

His final argument skirts what is apparently the major consideration in the mind of Cardinal Villot and the «small commission of Cardinal Fathers. The Pope turns with great feeling towards the suffering Ukrainians in the USSR «who have been forced to silence thus far for fidelity to their own Faith.» He suggests that their suffering would increase if a patriarchate were granted to them. One cannot help but ask the sardonic question: «When the Ukrainian Catholics in the Ukraine have for over 25 years suffered all imaginable persecutions, even including the complete disolution of their Church, is there any more suffering possible for them to endure?» As one reads this section of the Pope’s letter, it is difficult not to conclude that there are two main reasons—vaguely hinted at but not explicitly mentioned—which account for the refusal to create a Ukrainian Patriarchate. That the Pope is concerned about the suffering Ukrainians in the USSR no one can doubt. But it cannot be denied that Vatican politics with Moscow play a greater role in formulating the answer given to Metropolitan Slipyj than the canonical reason provided.

Why did the Pope ask Metropolitan Slipyj to send a new report giving all the arguments that he and his bishops felt warranted a patriarchate to Jean Cardinal Villot, the Vatican’s Secretary of State? Villot is also, as the Pope mentions in the letter, the Prefect of the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church. Canon 202 of Cleri Sanctitati (the Eastern Catholic canon law on Persons, promulgated on June 11, 1957 describes this Council as the agency that deals with setting up new divisions of church order when these would touch the affairs of civil governments. «Especially does this Congregation have responsibility for those affairs which fall under its competence by the Supreme Pontiff through the Cardinal Secretary of State in a special manner for those which touch civil laws and refer to pacts entered upon with nations.»

Anyone can see that the question of a Ukrainian patriarchate touches upon the Vatican rapprochement that the Pope’s ambassador to the Iron Curtain countries, Archbishop Agostino Casaroli, has been pursuing within the past few years. When Jan Cardinal Willebrands, head of the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, represented the Pope at the enthronization of Patriarch Pimen of the Russian Orthodox Church in June, 1971, the newly-elected head of that Church chose that occasion to joyfully reiterate the announcement of the complete liquidation of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, or rather, as the Patriarch put it, «the triumphal return into the Orthodox Church in 1946 of the Uniates who had been forced into union with Rome at the Union of Brest, 1596.» Not a word of protest was registered then or afterwards by Cardinal Willibrands or Cardinal Villot. (This silence on Rome’s part about the violent destruction of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the Ukrainian S.S.R. is clearly a matter of policy. With her great sensitivity for history and protocol, the Vatican’s official publications studiously took no note, made no mention of the sorrowful 25th anniversary of the psuedo-Council of 1946 which marked the end—for Moscow’s purposes—of the Ukrainian Catholic Church). Rome seems to be playing the perennial game of politics. To gain some concessions, especially for the Latin Catholics in Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Poland, Rumania, and Russia, the Ukrainian Catholic Church must not bе allowed to take on new life. The Soviet authorities fear any native, popular movement, especially when it is deeply religious and bound in its allegiance to a center outside the USSR ! like the Vatican.

The more impelling (although not explicitly stated) reason for refusing the patriarchate is the fear on the part of the Roman Curia of what would happen in predominately Roman Catholic countries if a Ukrainian or Melkite patriarch and his synod were to have jurisdiction outside of the home territory, embracing his faithful wherever they might reside. The Pope registers his alarm in these words: «Furthermore, the problems which could arise within the Catholic Church Itself may be easily foreseen if such patriarchal jurisdiction, detrimental to other existing canonical jurisdictions, were to be recognized in those territories.»

For years there have lived in Poland 300,000 Ukrainian Catholics («Ukrainskyj katolycyzm u sviti.» Visti z Rymu. Rome, May 20, 1970, p. 12.) without a bishop of their own rite. Cardinal Wyszynski has bitterly opposed any Catholic ecclesiastical jurisdiction in Polish territories other than that given to him and his Polish Latin rite bishops. The pressure exerted in the U.S.A. and Canada by American bishops and Rome itself to retain as long as pоssible the Eastern-rite Catholic inferior jurisdictions (called exarchates or eparchies) answerable directly to Rome, are well known to all Utter uniformity of church discipline, liturgy, and practice creates a situation with few problems. To be sure if the Church took seriously the solemn declaration of 2,600 bishops in an Ecumenical Council that all rites in the Church are of equal dignity, this would make for many changes in curial circles. But unless the following words were meaningless, a revolu­tion was in fact launched by Vatican II: «For this reason [this Council] solemnly declares that the Churches of the East…fully enjoy the right and are in duty bound to rule themselves. Each should do so according to its proper and individual procedures…» (No. 5 of the Decree on the Easten Churches.)

The Pope clearly saw that granting a patriarchate to the Ukrainian Church would displease the Soviet authorities and the Russian Orthodox Church  dignitaries. It does not make much sense to have a patriarch who can not rule within his own patriarchate. But would a newly appointed patriarch (whoever he might be) ignore the million and a half Ukrainian Catholics living throughout the rest of the world? Or did Rome really think Eastern Catholics were of the same dignity as Roman rite Catholics and hence had the right to be ruled by their own bishops irrespective of preferences show by the majority of Roman Catholics and the stranglehold now exercised by the Congregation for the Eastern Churches? Can one imagine, for example, what would happen in America if Eastern bishops could ordain married men according to their ancient custom of a married clergy? No, a Ukrainian patriarchate is simply out of the question. It would cause too many problems for other «duly constituted jurisdictions»—that is, the Roman Rite !

And so the whole affair is dismissed, by a Roman tour de force. The canon law binding upon Eastern Catholics since Cleri Sanctitati and the latest interpretation of March 25, 1970 (the Declaration, «Apostolica Sedes declares that no patriarch and his synod can exercise any jurisdiction outside his territory. The Pope entreats Metropolitan Slipyj and his bishops and people to accept his verdict, since «it is clear by law» that Ukrainian Catholic bishops cannot, outside of the Ukraine, be under the rule of a patriarch and his synod.

For many Ukrainians the Pope’s letter will be a disappointment. They had felt confident that he would grant them a patriarchate as a necessary means to continue as a unique Eastern Church within the Catholic Church. The real issue is not whether or not to have a Ukrainian patriarchate. The real issue is to bring the Ukrainian Catholic Church to awareness of the autonomy that is theirs already. There is no question here of the Pope granting anything. Rights to rule their Church autonomously have been enjoyed by the Ukrainian major-archbishops and their bishops in synod from the days of the Metropolia of Kiev—then of Halych—and finally a recognition of the Metropolia of Lviv in 1807 to be the successor of the ancient See of Kiev-Halych. These rights were solemnly guaranteed by Rome at the Union of Brest in 1596 and reaffirmed once again by the Vatican Council II in the Decree on the Eastern Churches.

Article 7 of this Vatican II decree, like Cleri Sanctitati. recognized that a major-archbishop is equivalent to a patriarch. This means that in substance the Ukrainian Catholic Church has everything, according to its ancient rights and privileges, everything that all other Catholic patriar­chal Churches, such as the Melkite, Armenian, Coptic, Maronite, have. To further remove any doubt in anyone’s mind, we have the statement from the Sacred Congregation for the Eastern Churches dated December 23, 1963 which declares that the Ukrainian Metropolitan of Lviv, Joseph Slipyj, is a major-archbishop in accordance with Cleri Sanctitati therefore equivalently a patriarch—at least in terms of his administering the Ukrainian Church.

The Pope has refused to establish a Ukrainian patriarchate. But what is, at stake is a totally different question—one which he himself and the Eastern Churchsi canon law have already answered. The Ukrainian Catholic Church, being under a major-archbishop, now possesses all the powers to rule itself as a particular Church through a type of synodal administration according to its ancient rights and privileges.

A further question and the really crucial one here is: Does an Eastern Patriarch or Major-Archbishop have jurisdiction only within his own territory? This is so important that it merits a bit of historical development.

The principle of jurisdiction limited to defined territories was established at the Ecumencial Council of Constantinople I (381) and reiterated in more specific form at the Council of Chalcedon (451). Cleri Sanctitati (Canon.240, #2) and the Decree on the Eastern Churches (no. 9) restrict the jurisdiction of patriarchs and major-archbishops to their defined territories without citing any documents to prove the authenticity for such a tradition in the Eastern Churches.

The fact is that both the Eastern patriarchs and the Western patriarci the bishop of Rome, have constantly violated this principle of territory. Tb reason is found in the Eastern Churches Canon Law itself. Cleri Sanctitati explicitly states that the principle of territory holds «unless some other reason demands otherwise from the very nature аt the case or constituted by some right, («Nisi aliud ex natura rei vel jure constet.» Can. 326, #2).

A very concrete case, an exact parallel to that of the Ukrainian Major-archiepiscopate, is found in the seventh century when in the Synod of Trullo (692) it was decreed that the Cypriotes who fled from Arab persecution ili Cyprus to take up residence near Constantinople were to be under the jurisdiction of their own Major-Archbishop and not under that of the Patriarch of Constantinople in whose territory they now lived. This may well be the first case of double jurisdiction in the same territory. But it can be multiplied by innumerable examples. How many times has the Latin Church set up its own jurisdiction in Eastern lands because their faithful had either migrated there or because Latin missionaries had made converts to the Latin rite of the native Eastern rite Christians or non-Christians The examples are clear: the extension of Latin rite jurisdiction to such Eastern lands as Palestine and the Near East during and after the Crusades, in India, side by side with the Eastern Malabar Christians, in Egypt, and in Ethiopia.

In Lviv itself there had existed for centuries three jurisdictions within the very same territory: a Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop, an Armenian Archbishop, and a Latin rite Archbishop. The question which should be asked is why does the Pope of Rome suddenly call upon the principle of territory to restrict the Ukrainian Church in its demands for autonomy to exercise jurisdiction wherever Ukrainian Catholics reside when for centuries the good of souls has dictated that this out-dated principle of territory be ignored?

To appeal solely to this principle and to forget the good of the faithful is to play legal games and to forget that the Church is the Body of Christ. Jurisdiction is given to help the faithful grow in Christ. When modern circumstances of life under Communism have created situations in which a Church of six million cannot function according to ancient rules, then the good of the faithful clearly demands that rules be changed—in fact, that they be automatically Ignored because a greater principle is at stake—the good of the faithful demands another principle.

The Holy See has already recognized that Major Archbishop Joseph Slipyj enjoys jurisdiction over his Ukrainian faithful wherever they reside. Article 18 of the decree of Vatican II on Eastern Churches prescribed a new marriage form allowing any Catholic validly to marry an Orthodox in an Orthodox Church. The Latin rite Archdiocese of Detroit asked the Holy See when this new provision obliged Ukrainian and Ruthenian Catholics in the U.S.A.: whether from January 22, 1965 when Pope Paul VI ordered the new legislation, or from April 7, 1965, the date when Major-Archbishop Joseph Slipyj decreed it to be in force for the Ukrainians. The Sacred Congregation for the Eastern Churches replied «that the Decree for the Eastern Churches began to oblige the Ruthenians of the United States on January 22, 1965. It began to oblige the Ukrainians of the United States on April 7, 1965.» This would indicate that Major-Archbishop was, by his ruling, exercising extra-territorial jurisdiction over the Ukrainian Catholics wherever they reside.

Another example of the relationship between Patriarchs (including Major-Archbishops) and their bishops living outside of their limited territory was clarified in the Declaration, «Apostolica Sedes» of March 25, 1970. It was decreed that bishops may participate with deliberative vote in all patriarchal synods both for the election of a new patriarch or of new bishops or for any other synodal business. The Patriarch and the synod were to submit three candidates for bishoprics outside of the patriarchal territory. Yet a few weeks later, on April 10, 1970, Cardinal de Furstenberg communicated the decision of the Pope that the Ukrainian bishops, when they met together, did not constitute a synod but only «a conference of Ukrainian bishops.» The following spring of 1971 the Holy See clearly disregarded its own Declaration, and appointed two Ukrainian auxiliary bishops for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia without any consultation from the Major-Archbishop or his synod.

A noted Eastern canonist teaching at the Pontifical Oriental Institute, J. Rezac, S.J., argues in a recent article («His Extension of the Power of Patriarchs and of the Eastern Churches in general over the faithful of their own Rite,» in Concilium. 8/5;1969) that the jurisdiction of patriarchs and major-archbishops must be extended outside of the limits of their own territories. His basic reason is that the Mother Churches are obviously more capable of taking care of their own faithful. Such church leaders are able not only to obtain capable priests and bishops who know the traditions of their Church, but they will zealously maintain and foster their ancient rights and customs. The Church is not a legal entity but a living organism whose health must be determined by the spiritual assistance given to the individual members. Patriarchs have a moral duty to their faithful to take care of them; but this means they must enjoy jurisdiction over those faithful wherever they live. The Church has changed much and with so much intermingling of nationalities in today’s world, the personal aspect is more important in questions of jurisdiction than the principle of territory. Another reason Fr. Rezac gives flows from the principle propounded by Vatican II that insists so strongly on the observance of subsidiarity. If a lower unit, a person, or a community, can effect something with efficiency, there is no need to appeal to a higher authority. Surely a Synod of Ukrainian bishops under the Major-Archbishop is more capable of knowing and meeting the needs of their own people than the Eastern Congregation headed by a Belgian Latin rite Cardinal, whose secretary is an Italian Latin rite Archbishop. Another reason is the ecumenical dimension. If the Catholic Church is sincere about showing Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant Christians that she respects their true ecclesial elements—and for the Orthodox the basic forra of Church administration is the patriarchal system—Rome will have to back up its high-sounding rhetoric about the respect it professes for the patriarchal form of administration by recognizing that form as viable and allowable for the Eastern Catholic Churches.

The Orthodox have found from experience that such a patriarchal system is more effectively pastoral and produces greater good when each Orthodox Patriarchal Church is allowed to extend its jurisdiction outside of its territory to wherever the faithful of their respective Churches live. If the Orthodox were to unite with Rome, would the Pope of Rome refuse the Patriarchal Orthodox Churches jurisdiction over their faithful, in America because this was outside of their patriarchal limits?

The ultimate reason that summarizes all of the foregoing is that the good of the Ukrainian faithful demands that the Ukrainian Catholic Church not be given something new to better assist its people, but that the good of the faithful demands the full recognition of what has been an integral part of the rights of the Ukrainian Church since the Union of Brest in 1596 The Roman Catholic Church has stated for decades and reaffirmed with special vigor at Vatican II that the Eastern Catholic faithful be ruled by the leader; of their respective Churches according to their ancient rights and privileges.

This is to make the Church truly Catholica allowing a richness of diverse forms of liturgical, canonical, theological, and spiritual expression flowing from the particular Churches that develop in Christlike charity and harmony with their sister-Churches, all under the loving service of the head of the Church of Rome. Then jurisdiction will be seen not as power to be jealously held on to and fought for, but an opportunity to give greater service to Christ’s flock. Only by recognizing the autonomy that the Ukrainian Catholic Church always had the right to exercise will the Ukrainian Church grow dynamically as a part of those Eastern Churches, that the Catholic bishops at the Second Vatican Council «solemnly declared… fully enjoy the right and are in duty bound to rule themselves» (no. 5). If the Ukrainian Catholic Church cannot rule itself under its Major-Archbishop and his synod of bishops but must continue to be legislated for by the Eastern Congregation, the Ukrainian Church will be extinct in a few years together with the other Eastern Catholic Churches. The Roman Church will have ceased to be Catholic and a particular Church will wrongly claim to be the universal Church founded by Christ. But history will rise up to haunt that claim.

Студентство Чікаґа активізується в русі за Патріярхат

Рух в обороні прав і помісности Української Католицької Церкви поширюється і серед молоді. В Чікаґо постав Студентський Комітет ад гок за Патріярхат Української Католицької Церкви, який запросив на суботу, 29 травня двох доповідачів з-поза Чікаґа. Відомий професор теології Фордгамського університету та директор екуменічного осередку Папи Йоана в Нью-Йорку, о. Джордж А. Мальоні, та проф. історії Ля Сал Коледжу в Філадельфії, Мирослав Лабунька, гостювали в Чікаґо.

До обіду вони провели зустріч з представниками етнічної преси в Чікаґо, яка виявила велике зацікавлення подіями в нашій Церкві. По обіді відбулася зустріч із студентами, де обидва гості дали короткі експозе про теперішні проблеми Української Церкви, а потім відповідали на питання. Присутніх було понад 30 студентів.

Того ж дня вечером відбулися громадські збори, на яких обидва гості доповідали про Українську Церкву в пособорову добу, її права, помісність, про теперішні змагання і труднощі в них. Зокрема гість з Філядельфії подав коментар до бурхливих подій філядельфійських свячень. Доповідачі також відповіли на питання. Студентка Марта Гарасовська розповіла про участь делегації молоді з Чікаґа в Філядельфійських демонстраціях. Вона також заявила, що українська молодь виразно себе визначує по стороні тих, які боронять самоуправний і самобутний характер нашої Церкви. Говорив також заступник голови Координаційного Комітету Громадських Організацій ЗСА і Канади за Патріярхат, д-р Юрій Городиловський, який привітав гостей та заявив, що сьогодні перед всіми повинен бути ясний шлях – з ким ми йдемо і проти чого ми виступаємо. Координаційний Комітет дав свій протекторат для цієї громадської зустрічі. Студент Тиміш Трусевич прочитав тексти телеграм Святішому Отцеві, Блаженнішому Кир Йосифові, усім Владикам Канади та трьом єпископам Америки. Канадійським ієрархам дякувано, що не взяли участи в філядельфійських свяченнях. Від ієрархів Америки присутні домагалися запрошення Верховного Архиєпископа з візитою до Америки. Окрему телеграму вислано до Комісії Прав Людини при ООН, доводячи до відома, що Ватикан, будучи сиґнатором Деклярації Прав Людини, не респектує цих прав, бо тримає у палатному ув’язненні нашого Первоієрарха.

Студентка Наталка Пилипюк, голова Чікаґівського Студентського Комітету ад гок, яка відкрила збори і представила ціль акції студентів, прочитала резолюції, що їх присутні прийняли оплесками. Зборами проводив проф. В. Маркусь, який також подав резюме промови о. Мальоні українською мовою. Всіх учасників цих зборів у залі СУМА було 400 осіб.

До місцевого Студентського Комітету входить 11 студентів місцевих університетів та середніх шкіл. Крім голови, Н. Пилипюк, активними в Комітеті є Т. Трусевич, М. Гарасовська, З. Городиловська, О. Смишнюк, Ю. Левицький, 3. Трусевич, та інші. Від Чікаґівського Комітету їздили до Філядельфії Олег і Роксоляна Сацюки, Гарасовська та О. Черінь.

Про чікаґівські збори та про теперішню кризу в нашій Церкві – статті в місцевій литовській, польській і чеській пресі.

Українська Католицька помісна Церква


/Монтаж думок і поглядів на юрисдикцію Верховного Архиєпископа,
 і на справу завершення структури
Української Католицької Церкви патріярхальною системою/

 В цьому монтажі ми публікуємо думки та погляди на справу Патріярхату УКЦеркви різних людей, своїх та чужих, в цій цілі, щоб поінформувати українське громадянство про все ще існуючі різниці поглядів на цю важливу справу. Не диво, що зустрічаємо тут не лише мужні та авторитетні погляди науковців, але також спекулятивні міркування «робітників пера».

Ми одержали до публікації в перекладі з англійської мови інтерв’ю проф. М. Чубатого зі священиком оо. Єзуїтів, професором Джорджом Мальонеєм, що є керівником Науково-дослідного Інституту при Центрі Івана XXIII на Фордгомському, Католицькому Університеті в Нью-Йорку.

проф. Дж. Мальоней є ірляндського походження. Прийнявши східній обряд, він вивчив східньо-слов’янські мови, українську і російську та пильно студіює християнство Східньої Європи. Він простудіював недавно видану «Історію Християнства на Руси-Україні» проф. Миколи Чубатого, та заінтерисувався не лише Українсько-Католицькою Церквою, але також автором книги. Це допровадило до інтерв’ю, що його друкуємо в українському перекладі у формі відповідей на питання, що їх ставив проф. Микола Чубатий.

Які зміни були введені в Церкві Декретом про Східні Католицькі Церкви?

Перша зміна торкається ментальности. Отці Собору звернули увагу Вселенської Церкви, включно з римською курією та всіма конґреґаціями, що Східні Церкви є рівні зі Західніми під кожним оглядом та, що жодна з них не є вищою від інших з огляду на обряд, а всі вони втішаються тими самими правами та мають ті самі обов’язки, навіть відносно проповідування Євангелія у цілому світі, під керівництвом Римського Первоархиєрея /стаття 3 Декрету про Східні Католицькі Церкви, проголошеного Папою Павлом VІ, 21 листопада 1964/. Висновок, що його в цьому Декреті зафіксували Отці Собору, унагляднює потребу збереження та розвитку кожної поодинокої Церкви /4-та стаття Декрету/. Отже для того, щоб Східні Церкви могли дальше продовжувати своє існування, цей документ обговорює гарантію їхніх старинних прав та привілеїв. Ці Східні Церкви «вповні втішаються правом та мають обов’язок рядити самі собою. Кожна має це робити згідно зі своїми власними індивідуальними способами…» Беручи до уваги різні надужиття та відхилення від традицій, Отці Собору взивають тих, що впали жертвою такого відхилення, повернутись до прадідннх традицій /6-та стаття Декрету/.

Якщо йдеться про конкретні заходи, то стаття 7-ма Декрету про Східні Церкви впроваджує таку найбільшу зміну:

«Денебудь буде поставлений ієрарх якогось обряду поза межами патріярхальної території, він по приписам права остається приєднаний до ієрархії патріярхату.»

В дальшій статті Декрету Отці Собору підкреслюють потребу відбудови стародавніх прав та привілеїв:

«…права й привілеї були привернені по думці старинних традицій кожної Церкви й по думці рішень Вселенських Соборів, А ці права і привілеї є саме ті, що мали силу в час єдности Сходу й Заходу, хоч і треба їх дещо пристосувати до нинішних обставин.

Патріярхи разом із своїми Синодами становлять вищу інстанцію для всякого роду справ патріярхату, включно з правом створення нових єпархій та іменування єпископів свого обряду в межах патріярхальної території…» /9 стаття Декрету/. А в прямому відношенні до українців, що одинокі мають Верховного Архиєпископа, Отці Собору заявили ось-що: «Те що б сказано про Патріярхів, є теж важне, по приписам права, і про Верховних Архиєпископів, що стоять на чолі якоїсь поодинокої Церкви або обряду» /10 стаття Декрету/.

В документі виданім Папою Павлом VІ раніше, 23 грудня 1963, написано ясно, що «що до справи чи Українського Митрополита Львова треба вважати Верховним Архиєпископом згідно з Апостольським Листом виданим 2 червня 1958, який зачинається словами «Клєрі Санктітаті» то Конґреґація для Східніх Церков вирішила, що має бути видана позитивна відповідь».

На мою думку, не повинно бути сумніву, що Український Верховний Архиєпископ має таку саму юрисдикцію, яку він мавби, коли б він був патріярхом над українськими єпархіями та екзархатами поза Україною, а саме: Вінніпеґ та Філядельфія, дві церковні провінції і над іншими єпархіями в США та над чотирома в Канаді разом з 6-ома апостольськими екзархіями: в Німеччині, Великій Британії, Франції, Бразилії, Арґентині та Австралії. Теж слід звернути увагу на баламутну та нешляхотну поведінку деяких в Римі – що стосуються практичного визнання гідности та Влади Верховного Архиєпископа Українців. Коли Верховний Архиєпископ Йосиф Сліпий був призначений кардиналом-священиком без першенства перед другими кардиналами-священиками, то це було повним незрозумінням чим є верховний архиєпископ у східніх традиціях. Декрет про Східні Церкви відновляє ці привілеї й тому згідно з 10-ою статтею Декрету – його ієрархічне місце є безпосередньо після повних Східніх Патріярхів, а не деінде.

І тому, щоб діяти в дусі Декрету, на мою думку, Верховний Архиєпископ повинен поступати згідно з Декретом, іґноруючи Конґреґацію для Східніх Церков. Як католицький патріярх, він враз зі Синодом Владик, має право управильнити вживання мов у священних літургічних діях, а також має право, за повідомленням Апостольського Престолу, потверджувати переклади текстів на народню мову /23 стаття Декрету/.

Коли і в який спосіб Декрет має бути введений в практичне життя Східних Католицьких Церков та хто має це започаткувати?

У відповідь на це питання треба підкреслити, що тут входить в гру ціла історія церковної дипломатії та терпеливість. Треба то натискати то звільняти натиск, аж поки постепенно, зберігаючи тверду постанову, а не революцією, не осягнете прав, і то не лише на папері, але також в дійсності. В цьому випадку взором можуть послужити Мелхіти. Вони вибрали нового патріярха згідно зі стародавною процедурою і тоді повідомили Рим. Така практика згідно з Декретом, була в силі в часі перед схизмою. Також патріярх Максімаз IV вибирав та висвячував із во їх власних єпископів на підставі правосильности того самого Декрету. Виглядає, що у відношенні до Українсько-Католицької Церкви тим великим ініціятором має бути Верховний Архиепископ. Для тої цілі, я думаю, треба скликати Український Синод на поземі православних та мелхітських Синодів, на котрім він проводив би з владою Патріярха.

Яке відношення існує зараз поміж Конґреґацією та Східніми Католицькими Церквами?

Мені видається, що Конґреґація для Східніх Церков має значіння тільки для тих католицьких обрядів, які не мають патріярхального устрою. Тому конкретно, Мелхітам, Халдейцям, Маронітам, Коптам, Вірменам, Сирійцям та Українцям не потрібно вдержувати жадного стосунку залежности, чи про щонебудь Конґреґацію просити.

Чи збереження Конґреґації для Східніх Церков не противиться духові Декрету про Східні Церкви?

На це питання я відповів повище. Очевидно, що ті Східні Церкви, що не мають патріяршого устрою, будуть залежні від Конґреґації. Але в Конґреґації повинно бути більше знавців Східніх та Західніх обрядів, що виконували б там офіційні функції як адміністратори Конґреґації.

Яких наслідків для екуменічного руху серед православних треба сподіватись з теперішнього застою й занедбання постанов Декрету про Східні Церкви?

Я думаю, що наслідки будуть великі і певно неґативні. Православні Церкви чимало нарікають на приявність Східніх Католицьких Церков в католицькій спільноті. Вони рівночасно глядять одним оком на те трактування, що ним Рим наділяє східних братів. Вони не захоплюються великою централізацією, де все залежить від Риму, а при тому наглядно спостерігають, як жорстоко порушують принцип колєґіяльности, що є основою науки про Церкву. Той принцип, при інституції єпископів встановлений самим Христом, дозволяє на те, щоби помісна одиниця мала владу виконувати все, що підходить під її юрисдикцію і це право не сміє бути узурповане якоюсь вищою владою Тільки для більшої одностайности процедури. І саме тут, на мою думку, є найбільша перешкода в об’єднанні.

На мою думку, Рим повинен якнайскоріше змінити та придержуватись того, що згідно зі статтями Декрету є правом всіх Східних Церков, які мають патріярший устрій, включно з Верховним Архиєпископом. Тоді кожний Православний мирянин чи духовний матиме змогу переконатись, як ще ніколи перед тим, що Римський Архиєрей є видимим знаком Єдности, та що колєґіяльність є наявним доказом в існуванні свободи серед тої єдности віри, навчання та церковно-релігійного життя. Це запевнить не лише велику різноманітність в літургічних практиках але також в дійсному адмініструванні в Східних Церквах та в застосуванні канонічного права, що питоме цим східним Церквам. Це є те, що підкреслює Декрет. Це вимога повороту до старинних звичаїв та прав Східніх Церков.

Опонентові чужинця, о. д-ра Д. Мальонея став нечужинець о. Петро Голинський з Мюнхену. Отець Голинський опублікував дві статті в тижневику «Християнський Голос» в Мюнхені, в яких обороняв становище Східньої Конґреґації, обмежував владу Верховного Архиєпископа тільки до Львівської Митрополії, згл. Радянського Союзу, і стверджував відрубність деяких наших екзархій, тобто приналежність їх до Апостольського Престола, а не до Верховного Архиєпископа. Він стверджував неможливість введення в життя нашої Церкви постанов Другого Ватиканського Собору через те, що канони, які зв’язують нашу Церкву із Східньою Конґреґацією ще не скасовані. Статті о. Голинського є такі, як Східній Конґреґації треба і в тому він свою ролю виконав ревно. Вони є завеликі, щоби їх вмістити в «Монтаж думок», і до них ми зможемо повернутись основніше в наступних зошитах нашого журналу, як буде потреба. Тепер ми вибираємо лише деякі опозиційні до думок о. Мальонея твердження о. Голинського, щоби поширити нашим читачам діяпазон міркувань.

«К. 326 параграф 2 постановляє, що архиєпископ /верховний/ може важно виконувати свою владу тільки на території власного архиєпископства, оскільки з самої природи справи, або з правних постанов не випливає щось інше. З постанов дальших канонів випливає, що не можуть існувати митрополити, єпархіяльні єпископи та екзархи, вилучені з-під юрисдикції патріарха чи верховного архиєпископа і підпорядковані безпосередньо Апостольському Престолові. Ця залежність іде очевидно тільки через Конґреґацію для Східніх Церков…

Нав’язуючи до сказаного вище, шукаємо відповіді на питання: чи наш Верховний Архиєпископ має юрисдикцію над українськими католицькими ієрархами і вірними?…

З того, що ми навели вище, випливає, що ні, бо всі наші митрополити, єпископи та апостольські екзархи підпорядковані досі Апостольському Престолові.

Думаю, що наші ієрархи на заході не можуть самовільно зривати зв’язок залежности від Східньої Конґреґації і в усіх справах звертатися безпосередньо до Верховного Архиєпископа, – як про це гадає о. Мальоней, бо для такого вичувається потреба окремого правного акту, яким Апостольська столиця поширила б юрисдикцію Верховного Архиєпископа на митрополії і апостольські екзархії у вільному світі; а за тим Східня Конґреґація мала б передати йому всі справи нашої Церкви»…

/Християнський Голос, 14. липня 1968 р./ 

«…Аналогічний новіший приклад це створення Апостольської Екзархії для українців у Арґентині. Апостольський Екзарх, Кир Андрій Сапеляк є також за постановою Соборового Декрету про Східні Церкви Католицькі /точ. 7, уст. III/ «по приписам права» приєднаний до ієрархії Української Католицької Церкви візантійського обряду і з обов’язку приймає участь у конференціях наших Владик під проводом Верховного Архиєпископа, – але як що йдеться про юрисдикцію, – то він є підчинений безпосередньо Апостольській Столиці, тобто Конґреґації для Східніх Церков»…

/Християнський Голос, 25 серпня 1968 р./ 

Для піддержки своїх арґументів о. Голинський покликався на факт існування Арґентинського Екзархату. На його нещастя Екзарх Арґентинського Екзархату Преосв. Кир Андій Сапеляк розуміє свою ролю інакше, і в інтерв’ю з др. Б. Галайчуком він спростував погляди о. Голинського. Нижче передруковуємо це інтерв’ю за місячником «Український Самостійник» ч. 133 /вересень 1968/, що було там поміщене під заголовком «Влада Верховного Архиєпископа».

Верховний Архиєпископ відвідує тепер дочерні церкви. Чи він відвідує їх тільки, як достойний, почесний гість, ісповідник віри, а чи також, як їх зверхник?

Щоб відповісти на це питання, треба найперше з’ясувати поняття матірної та дочерної церкви. До II Ватиканського собору поняття церкви було стисло юридичним, і ця юридичність висловлювалася зокрема в принципі територіяльности, який, як Вам відомо, є притаманний римському праву та римській правничій думці. Латинська церква вважалася єдиним зверхником для католиків усіх обрядів. На соборі юридичний аспект відсунувся на дальший плян, супроти стисло богословського аспекту, що мало далекойдучий вплив на становище Східніх церков. З того погляду знаменною є 9 стаття соборового декрету про Східні церкви: «Згідно з найдавнішою традицією Церкви, особлива почесть належиться патріярхам Східніх церков, тому що кожний з них стоїть на чолі свого патріяхату, як батько і голова». Тобто юридична, римсько-правна, категорія територіяльної концепції уступає тут перед чисто богословською категорією батьківства-синівства, притаманною первісному християнству і збереженою дотепер на Сході. Це підхід, прийнятий на соборі, важливий зокрема для обрядових груп, що живуть у діяспорі: коли син покидає батьківський дім, як заробітковий еміґрант, а чи як політичний втікач, він не перестає бути сином свого батька, не зважаючи на територіяльне віддалення.

Можна зустрінутися з опінією, що ці соборові постанови мають тільки загальниковий характер. Декрет, мовляв, закликає до зберігання багатої духової спадщини Східніх церков, звертає увагу на традиційні права патріярхів,тощо, проте, якщо йдеться про конкретні рішення то завжди покликається на правні постанови, тобто на обов’язуюче канонічне право, яке не змінилося після собору.

Ще не змінилося. Треба виправити непорозуміння щодо відсилачів декрету до обов’язуючого права. В канонічному праві, як у кожному іншому, є неможливим розходження між загальними принципами і конкретними, зобов’язуючими нормами. Зобов’язує загальний правний принцип «давніший закон уступає перед пізнішим.» В нашому випадку пізніше право – це соборовий декрет, а давніше право – це канонічний кодекс. Відомо, що цей кодекс тепер переробляють, нагинають його до постанов собору. Конкретно: при покликуваннях на приписи права йдеться про майбутній канонічний кодекс, згідний з принципами соборових декретів.

Чи українські католицькі митрополії, єпископства та екзархати в західньому світі можна вважати дочерними церквами?

Без сумніву, що так. Вистачає пригадати, як вони, відкіля дістали свою ієрархію, духовенство, чернечі чини. Ніхто інший, а митрополит Андрей Шептицький зорганізував наші дочерні церкви в Новому світі і злучив їх нерозривно з матірною українською церквою. Він мав повну свідомість, що є духовним зверхником усіх наших еміґрантів, що має обов’язок, як їхня церковна влада, дбати про духовне життя і про організацію душпастирської опіки для них.

Так, це вияснює походження ієрархії нашого обряду в країнах Нового світу і її початкове підпорядкування. Але чи це підпорядкування зберігається далі? Чи взагалі є допущеною якась зверхність матірної церкви над дочерними, що існують в далеко віддалених країнах, на інших континентах?

ІІ Ватиканський собор признає виразно тісне пов’язання між матірною і дочерними церквами. У 23 статті Конституції про церкву говориться: «Древні помісні церкви, неначе матері віри, породили других, неначе дочок, з якими пов’язані аж до наших часів пізнішою зв’яззю Любови в таїнственному житті та у взаємному пошануванні прав і обов’язків». Те саме, ще виразніше, стверджує 7 стаття декрету про Східні церкви: «Денебудь буде поставлений ієрарх якогось обряду поза межами патріярхальної території, по приписам права він залишиться приєднаний до ієрархії патріархату».

Але Українська католицька церква не творить патріярхату!

10 стаття декрету про Східні церкви постановляє: «Те що сказано про патріярхів, по приписам права, стосується також і Верховних архиєпископів, що стоять на чолі якоїсь окремої церкви або обряду».

Чи залежність від Верховного Архиєпископа не противиться правам Римського Архиєрея, який для всіх Східніх Церков послуговується Східною конґреґацією?

Також і тут треба віднестися до постанов останнього собору. Перед собором папа послуговувався в багатьох справах Римською курією, але собор передав чимало цих компетенцій в Латинській церкві єпископським конференціям, а в Східніх церквах патріярхам та їхнім синодам. Для прикладу наведемо 9 статтю декрету про Східні церкви: «Патріярхи разом із своїми синодами становлять вищу інстанцію для всіляких справ патріярхату, включно з правом творення нових єпархій та іменування нових єпископів свого обряду в межах патріярхальної території, із застереженням невід’ємного права Римського Архиєрея інтервеніювати в окремих випадках». Йдеться тут конкретно про обмеження іменувань єпископів поза територією патріярхату чи верховного єпископства. Справа в тому, щоб патріярхи в тій самій латинській території не діяли відокремлено, без координації з папою. Такий є змисл цього обмеження.

Чи екзархати можна вважати також дочерними церквами?

Очевидно. Екзархат це ніщо інше, як єпархія, яка не має ще остаточного оформлення. Тому її ординарій виконує владу від імені Римського Архиєрея. Проте екзархат належить до помісної церкви на рівні з митрополіями та єпархіями.

Чи приналежність наших ординаріїв до Єпископських конференцій в країнах нашого поселення не послабляє пов’язання з матірною, помісною церквою?

Зовсім ні. Ця приналежність є подиктована конечністю адміністративного та пасторального характеру. Але не існує справжня канонічна субординація, отже немає порушення канонічного пов’язання між матірною церквою і помісною.

Глибину міркувань на тему Українського Патріярхату доповняє нам тижневик «Нова Зоря» ч.36 із Чікаґо, редакційним коментарем п.н. «Патріярх» Думки отців редакторів, які вони у припливі християнської щирости вилляли на папір, подаємо нижче, у перекладі з англійської на українську мову.

«…Чи матиме Український Католицький Патріярх юрисдикцію поза межами території Львівської Митрополії, і спеціяльно чи матиме він юрисдикцію над американськими єпископами українського обряду? Чи матиме він юрисдикцію над рутенцями /Закарпатцями, ред./ католиками?

Відповідь уже була подана до відома в Римі, в листопаді 1966. Кардинал Сліпий силою наданої II Ватиканським /Собором, ред./ патріяршої влади верховним архиєпископам має юрисдикцію над українськими католицькими єпископами в Америці, але не над рутенцями. /Теоретично так, але уділення юрисдикції згідно з нормами права ще не розв’язане/.

Чи ми потребуємо патріярха? «За» і «проти» є вже вичерпні. Головні арґументи американських українських католиків проти патріярхату є такі, що він був би перешкодою в екуменічних відношеннях з православними, послабив би Ватикансько-радянські відношення, здушив би рух пристосованця нашої української церкви до американського терену /асиміляції, ред,/, і посилив би шовінізм, який в українців заступає патріотизм.

З другого боку Український Католицький Патріярхат був би символом духових зв’язків, які об’єднали б українців у всьому світі, спеціяльно тих, що терплять за віру і обряд в Радянській Україні.»

Вичерпну відповідь «Новій Зорі» дав на сторінках «Мирянина» з листопада-грудня 1968 ч. 11-12 /21-22/ Володимир Добрик у статті п.з.: «Патріярхат і Нова Зоря». Автор опрокинув усі міркування «Нової Зорі», що були звернені проти потреби патріярхату в Українській Католицькій Церкві. І добре зложилось, що статтю опубліковано саме в «Мирянині», що є добре обізнаний з еквілібристикою «Нової Зорі». Вистарчить для підтвердження цеї християнської газети зацитувати твердження її редакторів про це, що прив’язання українців до віри батьків, до чистоти обряду та глибокої духовости нашої Церкви – це шовінізм та націоналізм. У відповідь «Новій Зорі» п. В. Добрик висловлює такі думки:

«МИ АЖ НІЯК НЕ ВВАЖАЄМО СВОГО ПРИВ’ЯЗАННЯ ДО ВІРИ БАТЬКІВ, ДО ЧИСТОТИ ОБРЯДУ, ДО ГЛИБОКОЇ ДУХОВОСТИ НАШОЇ ЦЕРКВИ ЗА ШОВІНІЗМ ЧИ НАЦІОНАЛІЗМІ /Підкреслення автора/ Ми є і залишаємося льояльними громадянами цієї для багатьох прибраної, а для наших дітей природної країни, яка стала нашою, і в розбудову якої ми вносимо свій труд. Ми вдячні за багато благ американської демократії і приймаємо за свої немало ідеалів американського суспільства. Але нехай ніхто не накидає нам єдиний англо-саксонський чи католицько-ірляндський штамп як виключно американські вартості, ідеали і форми життя та організації.

Америка сильна своїм плюралізмом, респектом до індивідуальних властивостей і до самобутности груп. На цьому вона збудована, і це запорука її дальшого благословенного розвитку й добробуту».

До висловлених у цьому монтажі думок на тему помісности Української Католицької Церкви слід додати ще становище Його Еміненції Кардинала Вільгельма Фюрстенберґа, сучасного пропрефекта Священної Конґреґації Східніх Церков. Весною цього року делеґація Комітету Оборони Традицій і Мови Української Католицької Церкви в складі двох осіб, проф. Попеля й інж. Трусевича, була у Римі і мала нагоду говорити з Кардиналом Фюрстенберґом. Бажаючи піддержати на дусі наших чікаґівців Кардинал Фюрстенберґ деклярував їм свою концепцію майбутнього розвитку нашої Церкви й цілої діяспори складену у чотирьох пунктах. Два із них відносились до прикрої ситуації в Чікаґо і їх лише посередньо можна б віднести до проблем цілости нашого церковного життя, а другі два пункти, спрямовані у центральні проблеми самобутности української національної субстанції і до основ нашої церковно-релігійної організації, подаємо нижче у першій особі множини, на підставі запису на магнітофонну стрічку звідомлення учасника делегації проф.. Б. Попеля.

1. Він, /Кард. Фюрстенберґ, ред./, об’їжджав весь Близький Схід і давав поручення, щоби зберегти універзальність і однообразність Католицької Церкви усі християнські католицькі групи, які святкують релігійні свята по іншому як Григоріянський календар, примінювалися до більшости, яка святкує за Григоріянським календарем. Отже наша меншина в Америці зовсім слушно повинна приміситися до Римо-католицького обряду, бо ми є тут між римо-католиками меншиною, і маємо святкувати згідно з Григоріянським календарем.

2. Щоби ми не протестували проти асиміляції і інтеґрації нашої молоді під національним і релігійним оглядом в тих суспільствах, де вона знаходиться.

Наведені в монтажі думки, одні з яких можуть концепційно задоволити наших читачів, а другі ні, створюють практичні умови для дальшого розвитку життєвих справ нашої Церкви. Думки ці вірні, якщо йдеться про причини й спосіб думання їх авторів, і про головні цілі яким вони служать. Думки ці компетентні, бо автори професійно чи станово кваліфіковані до справ, про які говорять. Не знаємо котрі із цих думок претендують на вирішальність, але знаємо, що серед схрещування напрямків усіх цих думок відбуватиметься Синод Українських Єпископів у Римі. Наші читачі і загал вірних повинні усвідомити собі дійсну природу справ, з якими їхні Ієрархи матимуть діло на Синоді.